...is essential, to ensure security of supply. In the areas of grid planning, grid technology, grid operation and management, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft offers solutions for the supply of power and gas as well as possibilities to communicate.
Fraunhofer IOSB is conducting research to improve the data analysis of power grids using artificial intelligence and to make forecasts and detect errors and anomalies automatically in real time.
As part of the project »SiC-MSBat - medium-voltage inverters with high-voltage SiC power modules for large-scale storage and system-serving distribution grids«, a 250-kW inverter stack was developed for feeding into 3-kV AC grids.
Together with partners, Fraunhofer IEE examines and evaluates the integration and development of PV-self consumption models in the future energy system.
»DiMA-Grids – Digital business models with self-determined users for smart distribution grids« aims to further develop existing approaches to the digitization of the energy transition, taking end customers into account.